Travis and Amber Lowder

Travis and Amber Lowder

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's been a Long Time

Travis and I have not done any posts in a long time, however we have had some exciting events in our life...
We can get sealed!!! We had been waiting to hear back from the First Presidency if my sealing had been canceled so that I can be sealed to Travis and it came through!

I am so excited to be sealed to my Travis, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

Also we got a dog this last year, He is a German Short Haired Pointer that we named Dane....he is such a good puppy...and I went hunting and shot my first Doe, it was quite the experience and we may upload the video of it..

This new year brings new challenges and new events in our lives..We hope to be better about blogging what is going on in our lives!

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the sealing what a great thing!!! glad you are back to the bloggin world!
